fredag 22. oktober 2010

The Motivation

Since forever, horror has been my favorite genre as far as movies go. And lucky for me, my partner feels the same way, so obviously watching horror movies occupies a great deal of our sparetime. Lately, though, being a horror movie enthusiast has been more of a disadvantage and a headache than anything else. Now, why is that?, you'd ask.

Hours up and hours down is spent at our house watching horrors, but it's been a long while since it seemed worth the effort. When I say horror, I want that kind of skincrawling, goosebumps producing and jump-in-your-seat of fear-kind of horror, where you have to struggle in order to keep your hands away from your eyes.

But most of the movies we've been watching lately has more or less only been capable of producing at best a yawn or a "WTF??" story-wise, acting-wise or more often, ending-wise. Too many potentially good horror flicks are ruined by a poorly produced ending, and I'm in desperate need of a masterpiece. There's just one dissapointment after the other, and it's getting old.

What happened to the directors of the good horror movies like The Shining, The Ring, The Messengers and The Orphanage? And yes, for the record, my favorite horrors are the ghost horrors and the haunting horrors. I'm not into any of that sci fi monsters in outher space-kind of horrors, if it isn't like the classic Alien-movies. But most of all, if I want to see a good horror movie, I need my fair share of ghosts or their likes, and if not ghosts, then a handfull of mystery and creepiness and scares is needed, like the ones I mentioned before.

On that note, this blog will essentially be a place for my own horror movie critics, where I'm gonna analyse the movies we watch piece by piece and comment on why this or that works or doesn't, and where I will stay on the hunt for the ultimate horrific movie experience.

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